PICASO Project Overview, Dr Carlos A Velasco, FIT, for PICASO webinar: The PICASO Innovative Solutions for Integrated Care, 26 March 2019
PICASO Architecture, Peter Rosengreen & Matts Ahlsén, CNET, for PICASO webinar: The PICASO Innovative Solutions for Integrated Care, 26 March 2019
PICASO Clinician Dashboard, Dr Carlos A Velasco, FIT, for PICASO webinar: The PICASO Innovative Solutions for Integrated Care, 26 March 2019
PICASO Integrated Data Visualisation, Ján Hreňo, Marek Skokan, Technical University of Kosice, for PICASO webinar: The PICASO Innovative Solutions for Integrated Care, 26 March 2019
PICASO Patient Self-Monitoring Framework, Matts Ahlsén & Peter Rosengreen, CNET, for PICASO webinar: The PICASO Innovative Solutions for Integrated Care, 26 March 2019
Fusion Imaging in Nuclear Medicine, lectio magistralis by Prof. Orazio Schillaci from University of Rome Tor Vergata at JRC2018: Japan Radiology Congress, Innovative Science and Humanism in Radiology, April 2018
Understanding and granting Android permissions: A user survey by INUIT Fondazione Inuit Tor Vergata for ICCST 2018, October 2017
Design of an information and communications technology platform to support coordination of care for rheumatoid arthritis patients with cardiovascular co-morbidities, poster presentation by Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf, University Clinic Düsseldorf for DGRh 2017, September 2017
Design of an information and communications technology platform to support coordination of care for rheumatoid arthritis patients with cardiovascular co-morbidities – first experiences, poster presentation by Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf, University Clinic Düsseldorf for EULAR 2017, June 2017
PICASO: A Personalised Integrated Care Approach for Service Organisations and Care Models for Patients with Multi-Morbidity and Chronic Conditions, presentation by various PICASO project partners for AIMN, March 2017
Innovative Solutions for Integrating Health and Social Care, presentation by In-JeT ApS for WHINN, October 2017
Chiaravalloti, A., Barbagallo, G., Martorana, A. et al., UTV, (2019), Brain metabolic patterns in patients with Suspected non-Alzheimer’s pathophysiology (SNAP) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD): is [18F] FDG a specific biomarker in these patients? Published in Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging (2019) 46: 1796.
Gappa H., Nordbrock G., Mohamad Y., Velasco C.A., FIT, (2018) Group-Based Expert Walkthroughs to Compensate for Limited Access to Target User Groups as in Case of Chronically Ill Patients. In: Miesenberger K., Kouroupetroglou G. (eds) Computers Helping People with Special Needs. ICCHP 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10896. Springer, Cham
Paul Quinn, VUB, (2017), The EU commission’s risky choice for a non-risk based strategy on assessment of medical devices
Henrike Gappa, FIT, (2017), Gute Genesung: Projekt PICASO für die integrierte Patientenversorgung in Europa
Chiaravalloti, A., (2017), PICASO: A Personalised Integrated Care Platform
Chiaravalloti, A. et. al., UTV, (2016), Evaluation of recurrent disease in the re-staging of colorectal cancer by 18F-FDG PET/CT: Use of CEA and CA 19-9 in patient selection.

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